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    August 2010
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“A church alive is worth the drive”

Last night I held training for the new Awana leaders and familiarized them with the facility we will be using in a few weeks. It was a good evening and people were excited when they saw the “big” improvement over what we had access to at the “Y”. Keeping in mind that this facility (another church) is designed for the purpose we are using it, whereas the “Y” is designed for exercise and a preschool. I am hopeful the excitement will spread and the people who have now seen it will share about how much of an improvement it is and how it will benefit not only the Awana ministry and the children, but all of our evening activities. Even the adults seing the room they will be using were impressed and excited about the new location. It will also minimize set-up.

We were able to store things at the “Y” which was a real blesssing, but each wek we would need to move chairs and supplies to prepare for the evening. Now, the adult classroom is already set up, and the church has graciously provided areas where we can place cabinets and store items. A cart will be moved into the preschool area for their supplies, but other than that, there is virtually no need to move a lot of items.

Being provided space to place cabinets in a building already stretched for storage space is a real blessing and continued indication that we are truly working together, partnering, in this endeavor.

Another encouraging sign was a family, who I heard indirectly, had expressed concern about the “extra” drive mentioned that they thought is was closer than our previous location. Now I know that for some it will be an additional 10 minutes (each way) roughly based on where they are coming from and the route they would take. For most it will nopt be a hinderance, but I know that for some, it will be a factor in their decision to attend. As we discussed it briefly, they mentioned that “a church alive is worth the drive”. It’s good to know that they see our church as being alive and moving forward for the Kingdom.

So in less than three weeks, we finalize our preparations and begin with our Awana club. In the next few weeks, we will begin to see how many from the “host” church will be participating, but no matter the number, this is shaping up to be a great partnership and fulfilling a vision of Awana I saw many years ago at a different church.

Look at your club. Do you have several who attend from other churches? How awesome would it be if the number of children from a specific church began to attend, then you invited some of their leadership to participate and learn, and then they began an Awana club there, reaching more children for the Kingdom? I wrote about that in a church newsletter many years ago, and now in a different church, in a different setting, we are doing just that! God is good!

How much more of an impact can we have for Jesus when we serve together, not as “competitors” for people.