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    August 2010
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How did this partnership begin?

I have partnered with other churches for Vacation Bible School and for a summer camp, I’ll talk more about those in other posts, and so it was natural for this partnership to form. But we were not looking for the partnership. We were looking for a new place to hold our Awana club meeting as well as our other Sunday evening activities. We were renting a local YMCA which never really was “ideal”, but we made it meet our need because it was what God had provided.

Over the years that we rented the “Y”, they continually expanded their programs and what they offered to the community. This past year, it became clear that the “Y” would no longer meet our need, and so we began to seek out another location for our Sunday evening activities.

We inquired of some churches, some did not have the facilities we required, and others, for various reasons declined to consider our request. One church that we asked about renting space from, after much time and discussion, agreed to let us rent their facility. After an initial contact by one of our church members to the church, I received a phone call from their children’s ministry director asking if their children would be able to participate. I of course said, “Yes!”.

The other church looked at several areas of potential conflict, which we discussed when I met with the senior pastor and children’s ministry director, and they agreed to let us rent the facility.

Okay, I know what you’re thinking. How can I say that we are partnering with them when we are renting their facility for our Awana club? Simply because I am working with the Children’s Ministry Director there to help promote Awana in their church to get their children to attend. They will also be providing leadership to serve in the club. We are coming in renting the facility and working with them. If they have several children and leaders participating, then we will revisit the rate we pay, or if we pay at all.

Our bringing an Awana club to the church was an answer to their prayers. The Children’s Ministry Director has been praying about having a mid-week activity for the children (currently they do not have any). This is not mid-week, but it is another activity that they can offer the children in their church.

So that is how this partnership began. Our Awana club begins Sept. 19th. I will be posting how things are progressing, some of the logistical items and concerns/issues going into this as we approach the start of club.